Building Safety at Home

Regardless if you own your own home or you are renting, keeping your home maintained is important to ensure you are living in a safe environment. Home maintenance encompasses a wide range of preventative tasks that all contributes to occupant health, occupant safety, and security and overall sustainability. .

  • Never overload electrical cords or power strips, Be sure the total amount of energy used by appliances and lights plugged into the cord or strip does not exceed the capacity.
  • Do not use appliances that have damaged cords,
  • For mold prevention, watch leaky pipes, condensation and wet spots, and fix sources of moisture problems as soon as possible.
  • There are several materials and items that should not be flushed down the toilet, including, medications, disposable wipes, coffee grounds and more.
  • To prevent your pipes from freezing this winter, drain water from swimming pool, and water supply lines following manufacturer's or installer's directions.