Disability Commission

The Hull Commission on Disability is a volunteer group devoted to ensuring access to public places for people with disabilities. In addition to ensuring accessibility, the Commission is responsible for researching local problems, coordinating programs with the state, recommending policies, and acting as a liaison to disabled residents.

If you are interested in helping or joining the Commission, please submit a letter of interest to the Hull Commission on Disability, Town Hall, 253 Atlantic Ave. or by email to Lori West.

The Commission on Disabilities in collaboration with Hull Fire Prevention would like any physically challenged senior or other resident who needs help installing carbon monoxide detectors, smoke detectors, and/or fire alarms to submit their names, address and phone number to:

  • Allison Cochrane, Outreach Counselor at the Senior Center at:
    781-925-1239 x207    or
  • Captain Roy Ahlquist, Hull Fire Prevention at: 781-925-1350