Climate Adaptation & Conservation

Floodplains Management, Stormwater Management, Wetlands Protection Act Administration
  • Hull's Floodplain NFHL 2023
    Hull's Floodplain 2024


Welcome! The Climate Adaptation & Conservation Department coordinates the Town's efforts in climate adaptation and conservation planning. The Department also serves as administrator to the Conservation Commission, guides floodplain management, stormwater management, as well as implementing research, design, and implementation of climate adaptive and resilient projects. In addition, the Department also provides assistance in applications for Wetlands Protection Act permits.  Guidance for where your property is located relative to the land under WPA jurisdiction, what protected wetland resources m exist,

flood information, and applications for proposed work can be found here under “WPA Permittng Information” or by contacting our office during regular business hours.Links to some important assessments and analysis of the Community's climate vulnerability, as well as recent and on-going adaptation and resiliency projects, and important projects (recently or currently) before the Conservation Commission can also be found here in the left-hand menu

Click below and visit our 2023 story board on

Preparing for Climate Change*

*prepared with technical assistance from the Metropolitan Area Planning Council

FEMA National Flood Hazard Layer  Flood Zones (effective July 2024)

Click Here to Learn about Hull's new Floodplain Bylaw





Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
Renee Kiley Conservation Clerk (781) 773-3847
Ian MacDonald Conservation Administrator (781) 925-8102




Conservation Administrator
