11/16/2021 ZBA Meeting

This meeting is being held remotely by telephone as an alternate means of public access pursuant to an Order issued by the Governor of Massachusetts dated March 12, 2020 Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law. You are hereby advised that this meeting and all telephone communications during this meeting may be recorded by the Town of Hull in accordance with the Open Meeting Law.


  1. DIAL IN-NUMBER: United States:    +1 (571) 317-3112
  2. MEETING ID/ACCESS CODE:     917-166-165
    1. You may also connect via computer by following this LINK:


  1. If using a computer, you need to have a microphone or you will not be able to speak


7:00      Call to Order; roll call of Board Members

  1. Chair and/or staff to explain how to participate remotely
    1. Reminder to all attendees to keep their microphones muted while not speaking in order to reduce background noise.

7:05      Opening of a Public Hearing on an application filed by Steven Meyers regarding property at 90 Cadish Ave Hull, MA which per the application seeks:

To apply for a Special Permit/Variance to: Demolish existing garage & build new 2 story wood frame garage structure pursuant to the Hull Zoning Bylaws Article VI , Non-conforming Uses paragraph 61-2.

90 Cadish Ave Documents

7:30      Discussion regarding current fees and the possibility of increasing them due to increases in actual costs incurred such as advertising.

Administrative Business




Additional Business


Copies of said applications, with additional details, are available for public inspection at the Town Clerk’s Office and Building Department, all at the Hull Municipal building during normal office hours.


Other business matters may be discussed, or approved decisions signed and minutes adopted.


Hearings may be held at a later hour but not earlier than posted.




  1. All or any of the members of the public body may choose to participate in a public meeting via remote access. Meetings may be virtual, in their entirety.  All members who participate remotely must be clearly audible.


2. If due to special circumstances members of a Board are meeting in person, for everyone’s safety, the public will not be allowed into a Board/Committee meeting, even where there are any members of the public body and/or town staff or official(s) physically present at the meeting location during the meeting.  Remember also that Town Hall is closed to the general public.


3. However, the public will be provided with alternative access through which they can watch or listen to meetings “in real time,” and   meeting notices will specify the manner in which members of the public may access audio or video of the meeting as it is occurring.


4. If, despite our best efforts, our technological capabilities do not adequately support public access to virtual or remote meetings, the town will ensure that an audio or video recording, transcript, or other comprehensive record of the proceedings at the meeting is posted on the town’s website as soon as possible after the meeting.


5. Notices for public hearings will contain additional information about how the public may participate via electronic/technological means.


6. For executive session meetings, public access to the meeting will be limited to the open session portion(s) of the meeting only. Public access to any audio, video, internet or web-based broadcast of the meeting will be discontinued when the public body enters executive session.


7. Where individuals have a right, or are required, to attend a public meeting or hearing, including executive session meetings, they will be provided with information about how to participate in the meeting/hearing remotely.


8. Meeting notices will still be posted at least 48 hours in advance (not counting Saturdays, Sundays, or legal holidays), unless it is an emergency meeting as defined under the Open Meeting Law.  Minutes will still be taken.