Prevent Candle Fires

Fire Safety Education

Follow the Circle of Safety

Burn candles inside a one foot circle of safety, an area free of anything that could come in contact with the flame and burn.

Use candles in the center of an area one-foot in diameter free of anything that could burn, such as decorations, curtains that could blow around, other items on a table or bureau. Use a sturdy metal, glass or ceramic container.

Stay in the same room with burning candles; never let them burning unattended.

Most candle fires start when they are left burning unattended. Don't leave a candle burning out of your sight or when you fall asleep at night.

Use candles out of reach of children and pets

Many candle fires are started when pets knock them over, or when children touch or play with them.

Keep all matches and lighters out of reach of children.

Store in a high cabinet, preferably a locked one. You wouldn't leave a loaded gun lying around and a lighter can be just as dangerous in a child's hand.

Teach everyone in the family the rules of safe candle use.

Children, teenagers, grown-ups and older adults should know the rules of safe candle use.

Candle fires have tripled in Massachusetts over the past decade!

Candle use has risen greatly in the past decade, but unfortunately so have candle fires. They have more than tripled in Massachusetts in the past ten years.

Candles have become one of the leading causes of fire deaths in the home in this state.

  • Several people are killed, usually in their own homes, from candle fires each year.
  • Install a smoke alarm on every level of your home. Test smoke alarm batteries every month and change them at least once a year. Consider installing a 10 year lithium battery powered smoke alarm, which is sealed so it cannot be tampered with or opened.
  • Put out candles after use.
  • Keep candles out of reach of children and pets. Children are one of the highest risk groups for death in residential fires.
  • Keep lit candles away from bedding, curtains, papers and anything else that can ignite easily.
  • Ensure candles are in sturdy metal glass or ceramic holders and put where they cannot be tipped over.
  • Most candles fires occur in bedrooms. Keep you home, especially the bedrooms, fire safe.
  • In case of a fire, stay low to the ground, beneath the smoke, and have an escape plan already worked out. Get out. Stay Out.

Information obtained from the U.S. Fire Administration